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Laser Liposuction Specialist

Lansdowne Aesthetic Center

Yaqub Baraki, MD

Facial Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery located in Leesburg / Ashburn, VA

Residents of Northern Virginia and Leesburg, VA, and surrounding areas can benefit from the height of laser liposuction technology at the Lansdowne Aesthetic Center. Dr. Baraki and his highly trained team of professionals can help patients to achieve the body of their dreams. Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, in Leesburg/Ashburn, VA, accepts patients from all neighboring areas, including Washington DC. *Individual results may vary

Laser Liposuction Q & A

Melt Unwanted Fat and Tighten Loose skin!

Get a tight sleek body with our Sciton ProLipo Laser. Laser Liposuction is a minimally invasive way to reduce unsightly fat! Laser Liposuction can be used to lose love handles and tighten skin.

This unique system delivers laser energy via a thin fiber to the unwanted areas of body fat. Heat produced from the laser will melt fat and tightens loose skin.


What areas of the body can be treated?

  • Under chin, jowls
  • Back of neck
  • Upper arms
  • Upper back
  • Upper & lower abdomen
  • Love Handles and Flanks
  • Hips and Waist
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Inside of knees
  • Male chest (enlarged breasts)


How is Laser Liposuction Better Than Traditional Liposuction?

The most significant difference is how much the skin tightens after the procedure. Heat that is produced by the laser tightens skin and rebuilds collagen. Traditional liposuction does not have this feature.


Does Laser Liposuction Require General Anesthesia?

No. One of the best things about laser-assisted liposuction is that it does not require general anesthesia or IV sedation. Dr. Baraki offers anesthesia for longer cases, or if the client prefers anesthesia.


Is Laser Liposuction safe?

Yes! Lansdowne Aesthetic Center uses the Prolipo Plus system from Sciton, which has full FDA approval. Our surgical team follows every precaution to give you an excellent result.


Please Click Here to View More Laser-Assisted Liposuction Before & After Photos

*Individual results may vary



Laser Lipo Services

*Individual results may vary

We are a Cosmetic Surgery and Plastic Surgery Center that offer Lipsouction, Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck), Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery), and none surgical procedures, located in Northern Virginia, Ashburn VA, and Tyson corner VA area. Call us to book your appointment today.