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Achieve Your Body Goals This Year With SculpSure

SculpSure, Lansdowne Aesthetic Center

The beginning of a new year is traditionally the time for setting new resolutions and making plans to finally achieve a sought-after goal, like feeling happier and more confident about yourself. For a lot of people, that means finally doing what it takes to improve the way they feel about their bodies. In fact, getting in better shape is one of the most common new year's resolutions for both women and men. But often, diet and exercise just can’t get you where you want to be. And despite your best efforts, you’re left with areas of stubborn fat that just won’t budge, no matter how good you are at sticking to a healthy diet or regular exercise program.

At Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, we can help you achieve your shaping-up goals with the state-of-the-art noninvasive SculpSure® system, designed to gently melt away stubborn fat without incisions or surgery. Here’s how it works.

The power of lipolysis

SculpSure uses a technique called laser lipolysis, which simply means destroying fat by using laser energy. One of the benefits of laser energy is that it “comes” in different wavelengths. By adjusting those wavelengths, the energy that’s emitted by the laser is able to reach different levels of tissue underneath your skin, including the levels where fat is most commonly found. In laser lipolysis, specific wavelengths of laser energy are directed to those deeper layers of tissue where they heat up fat cells. As the cells absorb the laser heat, the cell walls gradually weaken and break down, essentially melting the fat away without ever making an incision. Because the wavelengths are so precise, surrounding cells and tissues are left unharmed.

Unlike other noninvasive and surgical treatments, SculpSure doesn’t use suction. Instead, its patented applicators are designed to deliver laser energy to deeper tissue layers with extreme precision for results that are more predictable and more consistent. The SculpSure device also implements surface cooling technology so your skin stays cool and comfortable throughout the procedure.

What happens to the fat?

Once the fat cell walls are broken down and the fat itself is liquefied, the resulting debris is carried off by your body’s lymphatic system and metabolized over the next few weeks. So while you might see some initial results after a few weeks, you won’t see the final results of your treatment until about two to three months afterward, once your body has disposed of all the fat and cellular debris, leaving behind sleeker contours.

Because the cells are completely destroyed, they’re gone for good, which means that part of your body will be naturally leaner and slimmer. Of course, you can still gain weight in other areas, so it’s important to continue to follow a healthy diet and exercise plan to make sure you look and feel great.

The SculpSure procedure: What to expect during and after

SculpSure treatments take about 30 minutes, so it’s easy to fit your treatment into your busy schedule. During treatment, you’ll recline and relax while the SculpSure system does all the work. At the start of your treatment, the SculpSure applicators are placed on your skin directly over the treatment area. As the applicators begin releasing targeted laser energy, you’ll feel alternating cooling and warming sensations, which many patients find relaxing.

After your session is over, you can resume your regular activities without any downtime. During the next 12 weeks, your body will be hard at work removing the fat debris and revealing sleeker contours beneath. Depending on the amount of fat that’s being removed, you might benefit from more than one treatment session. SculpSure can be used to remove stubborn fat in many areas of the body, including:

Plus, you can even have multiple areas treated in one session.

Is SculpSure right for you?

SculpSure is a body contouring procedure, which means it’s not intended to remove a large amount of fatty tissue. Instead, SculpSure is designed to refine the way your body looks by removing pockets of stubborn fat so you can finally get the body you’ve been hoping for. If you’re at or near your ideal weight or if you’ve plateaued in your weightloss efforts, SculpSure could be a great option to help you finally see the results you want. To learn more about state-of-the-art SculpSure treatment at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, book an appointment online today.

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