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Brazilian Butt Lift: How Fat Grafting Can Give You the Butt You Want

Do you ever look at your body like a puzzle, wishing you could shift a few pieces around to better effect? Well, that’s essentially what we can accomplish with a Brazilian butt lift, taking fat from where you least want it and placing it where you do.

At Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, our goal is to help our clients attain their best bodies. From breast augmentation to tummy tucks, we offer a full slate of plastic surgery options that bring out the best in you. If a more ample, perkier behind is on your wishlist, a Brazilian butt lift may be just the solution you’re looking for.

Here’s how this fat-grafting procedure can give you the butt you want.

Behind the scenes

If your butt simply isn’t what it used to be, there are a number of forces that may have caused an appreciable impact on your hind end. For women, pregnancy can wreak havoc on their bodies, causing several areas to change shape, and the butt is one. When you carry a child, your musculature shifts to accommodate the new load, often leaving your butt wider and flatter. Unfortunately, these changes can be tough to reverse.

As well, age can cause a change in your buttocks as gravity takes over and muscle is harder to build, leaving it sagging down.

But some people are simply born without a pronounced butt, and no matter how hard they try, the area stubbornly refuses to respond.

If you find yourself in any of these categories, or you just want to accentuate your derriere a little more, a Brazilian butt lift is just the ticket.

Taking and giving

With a Brazilian butt lift, we harvest fat from other areas of your body and place it in your buttocks. Using liposuction, we draw out the fat from your thighs, abdomen, or hips (or wherever you can spare some) and then prepare it in a sterile environment for re-injection into strategic areas in your butt that will give you the best results.

Because we’re using your own fat, it should adjust to its new location fairly easily, settling in among your other fat cells.

Leave no trace

When we perform a Brazilian butt lift, we make every effort to leave no evidence of our work. To perform the liposuction, we only make very small incisions in discrete areas, which usually heal up quickly without obvious scarring. When we transfer the fat into your buttocks, we do so using large syringes, which don’t leave any obvious marks. In other words, this fat-grafting procedure is minimally invasive, allowing you to show off your results without any signs that you’ve had work done.

The end results

After your Brazilian butt lift, you’re free to go home the same day, but you should arrange for a ride since we do use a local anesthetic for your comfort. When you leave, you should expect to wear a compression garment, both around your liposuction site and around your buttocks to ensure that everything heals in place. We may recommend that you avoid sleeping on your back or sitting for long periods for the first couple of days.

Soon enough, you’ll be able to get back to your life with an enhanced hind end, though many of our patients come back for a second round after a few months to solidify their results.

If you’d like to learn more about our Brazilian butt lift procedure, please give our office in Leesburg/Ashburn, Virginia, a call or use the online scheduling tool on this website to set up a consultation.

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