Chest Reduction for Men

Do you feel like you’re the guy who always keeps his shirt on in the locker room or at the pool?
You aren’t alone.
Gynecomastia affects hundreds of thousands of men in the United States each year. Although not medically serious, the condition results in abnormal enlargement of the breast tissue and takes a toll on your self-esteem.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Yaqub Baraki, M.D. is experienced in treating men with gynecomastia at the office of Lansdowne Aesthetic Center in Leesburg/Ashburn, Virginia. He offers a minimally invasive procedure to help reduce the size of your breast tissue and create a more streamlined, manly chest.
Here’s what you need to know if you’re a man in need of chest reduction.
What exactly is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is usually caused by an imbalance of male estrogen and testosterone.
Adolescent boys often experience increased breast size because of the changing hormone levels associated with puberty. This chest enlargement goes away within a few months and is completely normal.
As men reach mid-life, they also experience gynecomastia. The condition peaks between the ages of 50 and 80. During this time, a man’s level of testosterone decreases notably, causing the imbalance in hormones that makes breast tissue swell.
Gynecomastia may also develop because of obesity, genetics, or the use of certain drugs or steroids.
When you have breasts that feel unmanly, it can make you change your behavior. You may avoid certain outdoor activities or feel inadequate during intimate relations. In many men, even the strongest commitment to workouts and a healthy lifestyle can’t reduce a chest affected by gynecomastia.
How can I shrink an enlarged chest?
If your chest resembles that of a woman’s breasts, rather than sculpted, masculine pecs, we here at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center can help.
Dr. Baraki uses laser liposuction to reduce unwanted fat in the chest that just won’t respond to other more conservative treatments. The laser energy also tightens the skin of the chest to create a toned, taut look.
Men who do best with laser liposuction are nonsmokers and those of a normal weight. You should also be an adult, so that the doctor can be sure that your breast development has stabilized.
What happens with liposuction for chest reduction?
The laser liposuction procedure is minimally invasive, and recovery is relatively quick. Expect discomfort for a day or two following treatment. You can easily control pain with over-the-counter medications.
During the approximately hour-long treatment, the doctor injects a numbing solution under your skin and then inserts the thin laser device through tiny, inconspicuous incisions to heat up the fat tissue. Dr. Baraki then suctions out the liquefied fat through small, slender tubes. He finishes by tightening your skin using the laser’s other wavelengths.
The good news about liposuction is that the procedure can also be used to contour other problem areas, like your abdomen or waistline.
A sculpted, manly chest is possible, even if you have excess breast tissue. Schedule a consultation at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center to find out how simple the chest liposuction and contouring procedure is. Get started today. Call the office at 703-214-6475, or send us a text to schedule an appointment.
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