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How You Can Keep Your Body in Bikini Shape After Summer Is Over

Don’t let cooler temps and pumpkin spice derail the summer bikini bod you worked so hard to achieve. Keep your sexy bikini body all year long with a little help from the team at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center in Leesburg/Ashburn, Virginia. Yaqub Baraki, MD and his team offer a slew of body contouring treatments that help you maintain a streamlined physique.

Whether you’d like to stick to noninvasive procedures or are ready for a more dramatic change, we can help. Here are some of our suggestions for how you can keep your bikini shape after summer ends.

Tighten and rejuvenate with Renuvion J-Plasma

Renuvion J-Plasma offers a way to tighten and refresh loose skin without invasive surgery. The procedure uses subdermal cold plasma energy to target specific areas for skin tightening.

You don’t have to worry about needing an extensive downtime or healing from large surgical scars. Renuvion J-Plasma uses innovative energy that’s applied under the skin to achieve natural-looking results. Dr. Baraki may recommend it to preserve your bikini-baring areas, such as the abdomen, back, thighs, buttocks, and just about any other place with unattractive cellulite.

Eliminate fat with WarmSculpting® from SculpSure™

WarmSculpting® with SculpSure™ is a nonsurgical, noninvasive fat reduction system that contours areas stubborn, such as the abdomen and love handles. A WarmSculpting treatment uses heat energy to kill fat cells, and your body flushes them out naturally. WarmSculpting with SculpSure isn’t for comprehensive weight loss, but helps keep your bikini area looking its best.

Contour your physique with laser lipo

At Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, we offer Sciton® ProLipo Laser. This liposuction method gets rid of unsightly fat — literally vacuuming it out of your body. The innovative technology delivers laser energy via a thin fiber placed underneath the skin. The energy melts fat, which is removed through a cannula (small tube), and the laser tightens skin. It’s perfect for keeping areas such as your love handles, abdomen, buttocks, hips, and thighs bikini ready.

This treatment system delivers laser energy through a thin fiber to targeted  areas of unwanted body fat. The laser produces heat, which melts fat and tightens loose skin.

Totally reform your physique

If you desire to do more than simply maintain your current bikini body, the fall season is a great time to undergo more invasive procedures to make significant changes to your body. You’ll have time to recover from surgery, and by next summer, your body will be ready to reveal.

Choose from procedures including a tummy tuck to create taut abs, a Brazilian butt lift to add volume and lift to your buttocks, or breast augmentation to increase your cup size.

And before you show off your body on the beach or during a winter cruise, visit us for laser hair removal to permanently eliminate unwanted hair from your legs, bikini line, underarms, face, or arms.

We here at Lansdowne Aesthetic Center are ready to help you look your best all season long. Call the office, or book a free consultation online to learn how you can achieve the best body of your life, even as the summer season comes to an end. 

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