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Is Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Right for You?

Is Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Right for You?

Puffy, droopy, or saggy eyelids make you look aged and negatively affect your self-confidence. When nonsurgical options have failed to lift your lids, surgery is an option. At Lansdowne Aesthetic Center experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yaqub Baraki offers blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, to improve your look. Eyelid surgery also helps if droopy upper eyelids or excess skin make it hard for you to see clearly. 

Here’s how you know eyelid surgery is right for you.

You’re bothered by the way your eyelids look

As you age, your delicate eyelid skin stretches. Fat pads below your eyes become more noticeable. Muscles weaken, causing more drooping and sagging in the skin. 

The result? You look a bit older and more fatigued than you are. You may notice you always look like you’ve pulled an all-nighter, even if you’ve slept well. Your lower eyelids can start to sag and show the whites of your irises.

An upper blepharoplasty removes excess eyelid skin, resulting in a more rested, youthful look. Lower lid blepharoplasty removes under eye bags to brighten your appearance and make you look better rested. 

Blepharoplasty doesn’t result in drastic changes to your appearance, but the surgery does make you look noticeably and naturally more rested and youthful. 

You have trouble seeing

Upper eyelid skin may droop when the supporting muscles grow weak with age. You lose some of your peripheral vision, and everyday tasks, like driving or reading, become difficult. 

Your brows can ache because you use your forehead so often to raise your lids. 

We recommend an upper eyelid blepharoplasty with specific attention to raising the eyelid in these cases. 

The causes of drooping lids

Your eyelids sagging skin may be the result of many factors, including:

Though older patients commonly seek eyelid surgery, younger patients who are troubled by sagging or excessive eyelid skin are also candidates. Dr. Baraki can help you determine if blepharoplasty is right for you. 

Preparation before and after eyelid surgery

You’ll be given explicit instructions as to how to prepare for your surgery. This includes what foods, beverages, medications, and supplements to avoid. 

The procedure is outpatient, meaning you go home the same day to recover. You will be placed under general anesthesia. We don’t send you home until your vitals return to normal. Be sure you have someone who can drive you home because you will not be able to drive.

Dr. Baraki hides the incision lines within your natural structures. Our team sets you up with aftercare instructions, so you know how to care for your eyes after surgery. Plan to sleep with your head elevated for a few days following surgery. Any bruising or swelling fades within a few weeks. 

Reach out to Lansdowne Aesthetic Center to learn more about blepharoplasty and how it can revitalize your look. Dr. Baraki is a skilled cosmetic surgeon who has helped thousands of patients achieve the look they desire. Call today, or use this website to schedule your appointment. 

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