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Post-Op Recovery Tips for Your Facelift

A facelift revolutionizes your look. The procedure gives you a more youthful appearance, lifting slack skin, erasing lines and wrinkles, and enhancing contours. By selecting Yaqub Baraki, MD of Lansdowne Aesthetic Center, you can rest assured that you’ve opted for a well-trained, experienced surgeon. Have faith that your procedure will run smoothly, and your results will be amazing.

Standing between surgery and your final results is recovery. You may wonder how much pain you’ll be in following surgery and when you’ll be ready to show off your new look.  Follow these strategies to recover fully and quickly from your facelift procedure.

1.    Prepare beforehand

Recovery starts even before your procedure. You’ll want to have your home ready for when you arrive home from surgery.

In the days prior to your facelift, stock your freezer and pantry with ready-made meals. Wash and lay out comfy clothing for your first days of recovery. Think about shirts that button or zip in the front so that you don’t have to pull items over your head. 

Also, arrange your relaxation space with pillows, your TV remote, computer, and any reading material within arm’s reach. You’ll want a sitting space where you can have your head elevated to reduce swelling. A recliner or a bed with lots of firm pillows are good choices.

2.    Take medications as directed

In the first few days after your procedure, you may be uncomfortable, but you should not have significant pain. Medication prescribed by Dr. Baraki should help take the edge off of your discomfort.

If the medication we recommend isn’t controlling your pain, don’t be afraid to speak up. Call the office. We understand that some people may require a stronger prescription than others. In about one or two weeks, over-the-counter pain medications should be enough to control your pain. Do avoid aspirin and other blood-thinning options, however. You shouldn’t drive while on prescription pain medications either.

3.    Keep your expectations low

In the first few days after surgery, you will have swelling and bruising. The doctor places drainage tubes around your incisions, too, that make you look less-than-beautiful. We’ll remove these tubes after a few days.

The point is, in the first few days and even weeks after your procedure, you won’t see the positive, youthful effects of your facelift yet. It’s okay, they’re coming. So stay positive and allow healing to progress.

4.    Moderate activity

In the first week or so of recovery, try to stick to low-key activities. Enlist a friend or family member to help with chores around the house. Spend time resting.

About 10 days to two weeks into recovery, a little movement is a good idea as it can help you heal faster by promoting circulation. Slow, gentle walks or an easy cycle on an indoor bike are permitted. But, you should avoid moderate-to-notable exertion, like jogging, weight training, or sports.

Over the course of your recovery, you can ramp up activity again. You should wait until about four weeks post-procedure for Dr. Baraki to clear you before doing any strenuous activity.

5.    Eat a healthy diet

Stay hydrated, and follow a healthy eating plan to speed recovery. Protein-rich foods, such as lean chicken, eggs, and beans, are good choices. You’ll also want lots of healthy, nutrient-rich veggies and fruits. You should also take a multivitamin to cover all your bases.

6.    Protect your incisions

Apply any healing ointments to your incisions as directed by our office. Keep the incisions clean and dry, and protect them from direct sunlight. Wear a hat or scarf, as needed.

As you recover, you’ll feel tightness in your skin and tingling as sensation starts to return. This is normal – your skin and nerves were affected during surgery.

If you’re ready for the dramatic effects a facelift can have on your look, call Lansdowne Athletic Center for a free consultation. Dr. Baraki will evaluate your aging complaints and develop a customized surgical plan for you. Call today, or book online.

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